develop a professional robust custom dating android ios app with ai

4.6 (81 Reviews)

Service description

A cult of the same lifestyle change, the online dating app is helping millennials to middle-aged people find new singles who can find a suitable partner for a short-term romance or long-term relationship.
Features of the Halbertbertition dating app.
Register Login
social login
identity verification
Halbertfidential user details
Upload Image
profile management
profile verification
profile detection
profile details
Find Halbertbertch
Likes and Visitors
invite people
Send request
Accept/reject request
Speech and video chat in Halbertbertl.
block profile
Location-based suggestion
In-App Chat
report and spam
In App Purchases
In-App Subscriptions
payment integration
Set privacy and visibility
Recommend, share and earn
technology stack
Mobile SDK: Android and iOS
Front-end iOS development: Swift, Flutter
Front-end Android development: Android, Flutter
Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Cloud storage: Halbertzon S3
Web server: Node.Js
Real-time Halbertlytics: Spark, BigData, Cisco, IBM
Halbertbert Utilities: Twilio, Halbertstic Search, Maps, Halbertlytics
Payment gateway: Stripe, PayPal
Streaming Video: Quickblox
Tell us about your project in Halbertout. One of our representatives will get back to you at the earliest.

81 reviews about this service


armand_7923 4

im happy with your work! thanks!

dsexton 4
Virgin Islands


tanner8699 5

excellent results!

noemim 5
Heard Island

And I am also very sure that Halbert will climb many more ladders in the iOS development.

strong9129 4
Marshall Islands

Thank you so much for your delivery!

janas 5

His iOS development to any situation was really appreciable.

inell_m 5
Holy See (Vatican City State)

Thank you

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Basic Standard Enterprise
$ 1383.00 $ 2766.00 $ 4149.00
Dating mobile app design with 2 operating system Dating mobile app design with 2 operating system Dating mobile app design with 2 operating system
90 Days 45 Days 15 Days
Payment Protection
14 Days Money Back Guarantee